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The Top 5 Carbon Capture Companies In 2024

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Carbon Capture Companies

Our planet is a subject of concern. We often don’t realize the gravity of a situation unless we witness it ourselves—or learn it from a credible source. And with the escalating climate crisis, the role of carbon capture companies is more crucial than ever.

In this blog, we delve into the top 5 carbon capture companies of 2024. These companies have emerged as a beacon of hope, offering innovative solutions to reduce our carbon footprint. From groundbreaking advancements to promising startups, these technologies are at the forefront of the fight against climate change.

What is Carbon Capture?

Imagine a world where we can pluck harmful carbon dioxide (CO2) right from the air and lock it away, almost like magic. That’s what Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is all about. It’s our technological wand in the fight against climate change.

The Three-Step Spell: Capture, Transport, and Store

  1. Capture: Like a net catching butterflies, CCS captures CO2 straight from the smokestacks of industrial giants—be it a power plant or a cement factory.
  1. Transport: Once caught, the CO2 is squeezed under pressure and whisked away, usually through pipelines, like a secret message to its final destination.
  1. Storage: The end of the journey for CO2 is deep underground in geological formations or transformed into solid mineral carbonates. Right now, burying it in the Earth is our top choice.

The ultimate aim? To prevent CO2, a notorious climate offender, from escaping into the atmosphere and turning up the Earth’s thermostat.

How Can Carbon Capture Companies Transform Our Climate Future

Did you know that carbon capture companies are like climate superheroes? They swoop in to tackle the crucial challenges of climate change with a toolkit of innovative solutions.

  • Targeting the Tough Guys: Industries such as steel and cement are the hard nuts to crack in our green transition. They’re stuck with old-school processes that aren’t easy to provide cleaner solutions. But here’s where carbon capture technology comes in, retrofitting these giants to reduce emissions without a total makeover.
  • Powering Up Clean Energy: Imagine turning fossil fuels or biomass—into allies. Carbon capture does just that, collecting emissions from power plants and turning them into cleaner electricity and hydrogen. It’s like giving fossil fuels a second chance to do good.
  • Going Negative to Make a Positive Impact: Some carbon capture methods are so cool, that they pull more CO2 out of the air than they put in. It’s like they’re not just stopping the problem—they’re reversing it!
  • A Toolbox for a Greener World: Carbon capture isn’t just a one-trick pony; it’s a Swiss Army knife for our climate. It adds flexibility and variety to our energy system, making sure we keep the lights on while we kick fossil fuels to the curb.

Carbon capture companies are key players in the global emission management game. They’re the problem-solvers for those tough-to-green sectors and even help scrub CO2 straight from the sky. Sure, the tech is still growing up, facing hurdles like cost and infrastructure, but it’s a rising star in our quest for a cooler planet.

1. Aker Carbon Capture

 Aker Carbon Capture

  • Headquarters: Lysaker, Akershus, Norway
  • Founded in: 2020

Aker Carbon Capture is a dedicated carbon capture company that delivers solutions across various sectors, such as cement, bio, waste-to-energy, gas-to-power, and blue hydrogen segments.

Their cutting-edge technology is not just unique; it is a game-changer for our environment, slashing CO₂ emissions effectively. With over 60,000 hours of hands-on experience in places like the US, Germany, Scotland, and Norway, they’re seasoned pros at this.

Their secret sauce? A concoction of water and organic solvents to capture CO₂. This isn’t a one-size-fits-all; it’s a versatile solution tailored for a multitude of industries, including gas, coal, and even hydrogen production.

Apart from this, the SOLVit program is their eight-year brainchild, a rigorous R&D marathon that’s put countless solvent mixtures to the test.

In 2024, Aker Carbon Capture spearheaded a groundbreaking test campaign, joining forces with CO280 Solutions and a prominent US pulp and paper manufacturer. This collaboration paved the way for the rollout of several Just Catch 400 modular capture facilities, all geared towards permanent CO2 storage. The triumph of this test campaign is setting the stage for generating valuable carbon removal credits.

2. Carbon Clean

Carbon Clean

  • Headquarters: London, UK
  • Founded in: 2009

In the list of the top 5 carbon capture companies, we have Carbon Clean. Notably, Carbon Clean’s process seamlessly integrates with existing industrial operations, ensuring minimal disruption and maximum cost-effectiveness. Additionally, this approach empowers industries to not only reach net zero but also to leverage decarbonization incentives and join the burgeoning global circular carbon economy market .

Furthermore, the company’s next-generation Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) applications are specifically designed for hard-to-abate industries. These industries include steel, cement, refinery, energy from waste, and biogas.

One of the standout offerings from Carbon Clean is the CDRMax™ process, a proprietary solvent, process equipment, and advanced heat integration.

Moreover, this custom-tailored technology captures carbon dioxide (CO2) from industrial flue gases or off-gases emitted from power plants, boilers, kilns, and chemical facilities. It’s versatile enough to be used with source gases that contain CO2 concentrations between 3% and 25% by volume.

3. Carbon Engineering

Carbon Engineering

  • Headquarters: Squamish, British Columbia, Canada
  • Founded in: 2009

Climate change is no longer a looming threat but a challenge we’ve overcome – this is the mission that drives Carbon Engineering. Their technology, Direct Air Capture (DAC), is designed to remove megatonnes of CO2, the main greenhouse gas, from the air. This process helps reduce atmospheric CO2 levels and mitigate global warming.

At their pilot plant, they don’t just capture CO2. They also convert it into synthetic fuels using renewable energy. Their focus is on scaling up their DAC technology to make a significant impact in the fight against climate change.

Carbon Engineering’s DAC technology captures CO2 directly from the atmosphere. This CO2, the primary driver of global warming, can then be stored underground permanently or converted into low-carbon fuels like gasoline or jet fuel. By offering these options, Carbon Engineering aims to help reduce atmospheric CO2 levels and mitigate climate change.

In addition, their latest project involves planning and engineering a multi-million-tonne DAC Facility in Kleberg County, Texas. This site is expected to house several DAC facilities capable of collectively removing up to 30 million tonnes of CO2 annually from the atmosphere. This project builds on their experience with the world’s first large-scale DAC facility currently under construction in the Texas Permian Basin. 

4. Calix Limited

Calix Limited

  • Headquarters: Pymble, Australia
  • Founded in: 2005

On the 4th rank, in the list of carbon capture companies, we have Calix Limited. Additionally, the company Calix Limited is on a mission to address global sustainability challenges. Moreover, their patented technologies are at the forefront of this mission.

Furthermore, the core innovation, the Calix Flash Calciner, functions similarly to a kiln but with a crucial difference: it captures carbon dioxide (CO2) produced by industries like cement and lime production. This CO2 capture technology has applications across various sectors, including agriculture, aquaculture, and water treatment.

Calix Limited offers technologies that reduce carbon emissions from industries and enhance environmental conditions in sectors like agriculture and aquaculture. Additionally, they develop and implement tools to make industrial processes cleaner and create better conditions for farming and fish farming.

Moreover, their latest project, LILAC-2, is a collaboration with Heidelberg Materials. Furthermore, the project aims to capture CO2 emissions from cement production. Relocated to a cement plant in Ennigerloh, Germany, the project uses Calix’s technology to significantly reduce CO2 emissions from the industrial process without requiring substantial additional energy or upfront costs. LILAC-2 represents a significant step towards achieving cleaner cement production.

5.  CarbFix


  • Headquarters: Reykjavík, Iceland
  • Founded: 2006

Carbfix stands on the 5th rank in the list of carbon capture companies. Firstly, Carbfix, an Icelandic clean technology company, is leading the way in capturing carbon dioxide emissions from power plants and safely storing them underground. Their unique process, known as mineralization, transforms captured CO2 into stable rock formations over a few years, effectively removing it from the atmosphere.

Carbfix offers a groundbreaking technology that permanently removes carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere by turning it into stone underground. Their core service involves capturing CO2 emissions from various sources, including power plants and industries. Moreover, they offer consulting expertise to businesses aiming to reduce their carbon footprint.

Carbfix’s latest project is not a single endeavor but an ongoing research initiative funded by the EU. The Carbfix project aims to enhance several aspects of carbon capture and storage (CCS). This includes capturing impure CO2 streams, integrating with direct air capture technology, and exploring ways to use seawater for mineral storage in rocks beneath the ocean. The ultimate goal is to make CCS more affordable and efficient. In addition to research, Carbfix recently announced a collaboration with Great Carbon Valley to explore the potential of their technology for carbon storage in Kenya.


In conclusion, the top 5 carbon capture companies of 2024 are not just businesses, but pioneers leading the charge against climate change. Their innovative solutions are a testament to human ingenuity and our collective will to safeguard our planet. As we move forward, their role will only grow in importance.

Let’s support these companies in their mission. Stay informed, spread the word, and remember, every action counts. Together, we can make a difference. Stay tuned to our blog for more updates on climate change solutions and how you can contribute.

Singam Horam