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10 Classes of USA Navy Ships that influence the Sea Power

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USA Navy Ships

U.S. Navy has achieved command over the sea that affords the United States unrivaled international influence not just over neighboring nations but all over the world. The navy can do extraordinary things for protecting nations which could be difficult for the land-based or air-based military. It provides unusual access to areas of interest around the globe and patrols vital waterways. USA navy ships are useful in patrolling illegal activities around coastline areas and securing the blue borders of our country. Today, they are dominating the world since Second World War and left behind the superpower British Royal Navy. In this blog, you will be reading about 10 distinct classes in the USA navy ships that maintained fleets over the coastal regions of the country.

1. Freedom-class Ships

USA Navy Ships

Freedom-class Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) is a newly introduced class in USA navy ships. It is a small surface combatant armed class whose capabilities are focused on defeating global challenges in warfare. Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) can work for granting joint force access to the littorals. It operates independently or during high-threat environments as part of a networked battle force. The operational capabilities of multi-mission surface combatants are larger in size. According to USA navy ships records, it is one of two littoral combat ship classes that are in service today.

2. America-class Ships

USA Navy Ships

America-class warfare ships are popular as “big decks” since they are one of the largest of all amphibious warfare ships in the USA navy. They resemble small aircraft carriers and are capable of sailing in the deep water zone. America class ships enabled rapid combat power buildup ashore in the face of opposition from board members. They also replaced the Tarawa-class amphibious assault ship by carrying the F-35B, AV-8B Harrier II, V-22 Osprey, and the AH-1Z Viper.

3. San Antonio-class

USA Navy Ships

San Antonio-class ships are useful for transporting land U.S. marines and their equipment. They support a variety of warfare operations, for example, amphibious assault, special operations, etc. This class of USA navy ships serves as secondary aviation platforms for amphibious operations. Class of San Antonio receives supplies by embarked Landing Craft Air Cushion or conventional landing craft. Moreover, amphibious assault vehicles augmented by vertical take-off and landing aircraft or helicopters are also part of it.

4. Cyclone-class

USA Navy Ships

Cyclone-class navy ships patrol the coastal ships and for interdiction surveillance. The warship class serves best in littoral operations outlined as an important maritime strategy of USA navy ships. Earlier, Cyclone-class ships helped in combating severe attacks in Yemen. Such patrol ships particularly suit for maritime homeland security missions. They protect the coastline, ports, and waterways of America from terrorist attacks by collaborating with U.S. Coast Guard.

5. Wasp-class

USA Navy Ships

The USA navy ships of Wasp-class are the largest amphibious Navy ship classes in the world at present. These ships contribute to U.S. Marine Corps through ship-to-shore movement with the help of a helicopter and landing aircraft movement. The Wasp-class marine ships participate in major humanitarian assistance, occupation, and combat operations of the United States. USS Wasp ship was the leading ship of this class and it was commissioned in July 1989.

6. Zumwalt-class

USA Navy Ships

Zumwalt-class is a destroyer type of USA navy ship which is the newest class that is the most advanced on a technological level. It has the largest advanced surface combatant in the world and is focused on dealing with land attacks. The vessel is a multi-mission-based stealth ship that is outlined to strengthen naval power from the sea. It plays a primary role in naval gunfire support and a secondary role in anti-aircraft warfare. The Zumwalt-class destroyer had emerged from the “land attack destroyer” program which was supposed to initiate battleships.

7. Arleigh Burke-class

USA Navy Ships

Arleigh Burke-class replaced the Charles F. Adams-class destroyers. Shaped with an advanced hull form, this ship incorporates Spruance-class destroyer propulsion. It is a machinery plant that has Aegis Weapons System integrated into the Kidd-class destroyers. There are larger Ticonderoga class cruisers installed on the vessel. Such Navy ship classes are continuously upgraded with modern and technologically developed sensors and weapons to improve support systems.

8. Avenger-class Ships

Avenger-class Ships

Avenger-class ships are designed as mine sweepers and hunter-killers. They are capable of finding, classifying, and destroying the bottom mines of enemies. Purchased in 1990, the government brought a total of 14 fully deployable ships that were capable of entering the ocean. They use technological systems like sonar and video systems, cable cutters, and a mine detonating device. Their system is capable of performing conventional sweeping measures. The Avenger-class ships are of fiberglass sheathed and the wooden hull construction is at the base of it.

9. Blue Ridge-class Ships

Blue Ridge-class Ships

Blue Ridge Class was invented for command ship roles in the USA navy ships. Its ships serve as fleet flagships after entering into the service. USS Blue Ridge and USS Mount Whitney are the two ships of Blue Ridge navy ship classes. Their service lives extended in 2011 since it was the only class of amphibious command and control ships. Its communication system was highly dependent upon high-frequency radio systems in 1970. Later on, it evolved into satellite communication systems.

10. USS Constitution

USS Constitution

USS Constitution is the world’s oldest commissioned vessel that is still sailing in USA navy ships. It fought a battle in 1812 where British cannon balls bounced off its hull during the fight. Hence, it is famous as “Old Ironsides”. The vessel captured a number of merchant ships and defeated warships of the United Kingdom. USS Constitution was then retired in 1881 from active service and served as receiving ship until it was restored in the museum in 1907.


  1. What are the biggest ships in the USA navy?

USS Gerald R. Ford, USS Zumwalt, USS Enterprise (CVN-65), USS Nimitz, etc.

  1. How long can Navy ships stay in the sea?

It generally takes 10 days to 2 weeks per month.

  1. How many ships does the USA navy have?

The USA navy currently has over 490 ships both in the active fleet and reserve service.

Final Thought.

The Navy of every nation employs a wide variety of ships and each of them has its own purposes and responsibilities. The USA navy ships include hundreds of ships starting from small ones to huge aircraft carriers. Each of them play important role in warfare, humanitarian assistance, etc. We hope you gained crucial accomplishments about classes in USA navy ships and how they served their nation during their tenure.

Trupti Munde

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